Saturday, October 31, 2009

Remember this??

The funnest tag ever! The winners were Becky Gray, Lori Metcalf and Shontell Olson.
And I am happy to tell you that I am finished with their "special something's"- I will deliver today or Sunday- or maybe Monday- but soon, so watch those blogs so you can see what they got! This was really fun for me- and I may do it again after the holidays! (Becky, Lori and Shontell- I will adjust size, remake or re-string beads if needed- just let me know!)

Here's the info if your curious and want to do the funnest tag ever yourself!

Here's how it works: The first five people to leave me a comment get something made by me just for them. It can be anything I want, I get to choose. It can be silly or serious, edible or not, but don't plan on anything alive. There are a few rules involved (aren't there always?):

1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2- What I create will be just for you.
3- It will be done sometime this year (Don't expect grand things if it takes a long time. I'm just lazy!).
4- You have no clue what it's going to be. (The choice is mine! --insert evil laugh here--)
5- I reserve the right to do something extremely strange and/or silly.

The catch is that you must re-post this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog. The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they've posted on their blog win a hand made, super creative, possibly lovely whatever in the heck I decide! Be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

When I was 5.......

Jayce will turn 6 next month- so we have been asking him what his favorite part of being 5 has been. If you know Jayce well then you know that he remembers EVERYTHING! And I mean everything- even things that happened when he was very young- he can describe events in detail- or places- or people. Ross has this same amazing ability, to remember things from very early in his life- me, I have no memories! Just the ones I am making today- and they will be gone tomorrow!
This is what states was his favorite part of being 5.

"When I was 5 we lived in a hotel, and I got to see and use my very first bar of soap."

I sure hope he doesn't tell this story when hes an old man- I can see him telling his Grand kids "When I was 5 we lived in a hotel....."

The truth is this. When he was 5 we went on our first trip without our trailer- so we stayed in a hotel. He was terribly unhappy about the whole thing and he cried for almost an entire hour after we first arrived at the hotel. It was at the Excalibur in Vegas- on our way to California. As we tried to calm him down I ran a bath- and yes- it was there that he was introduced to his first bar of soap. And he was FASCINATED! I guess in this day of liquid soaps and body wash I had never had bar soap around- so that began his collection of bar soaps. He now has his own drawer in the bathroom where he keeps all the little bars of soap that he collected from that trip- and Ross brings them home for him when he travels!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Today I just feel different.....

This is the first thing Jayce said when he opened his eyes today- then as the day went on he continued to try to explain this feeling to me- THEN he asked if he could have his own BLOG so he could tell his friends about it. That's a NO on the having your own blog at age 5- so I am telling his story.

Jayce: When mom puts sunscreen on me it "smells" like the zoo, or the pool, or the beach.

Smart mom- she knows when to use the sunscreen!

Well, today when I woke up I just felt different-(these are some of the things Jayce said throughout the day)
It "smells" like it should be Halloween.
It "smells" like Pajha and Peyton should be here.
It "smells" like I should go to aunt Shontells to see my whole family, because that's where we all go to eat.
It "smells" like uncle Cameron came home-- where is he?

I think what he is saying is that it FEELS like FALL! And last year at this time Pajha and Peyton and Kerryne came to stay with us for a few months- and we miss them terribly! Cameron was also living here and we miss him more than I can say! And Thanksgiving is at Shontells- thats where he LOVES to go- to see Bry and Rissi and Grandpa nad Grandma Duke and all the gang!
Yep- I would say it FEELS like FALL!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

ATTENTION WalMart shoppers:

ATTN: WalMart Shoppers- Shelli will be purchasing Mason Jars from the "Seasonal" Isle today. If you would like her to see your scars from your ankle/foot surgery, please form an orderly line to her right. If you would like to tell her about your spouse, child, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, grandchild, niece, nephew or neighbor that has broken his/her foot, form a line on her left. If you would like to discuss your grandmothers home canning skills, stand directly in front of her cart. Hold her cart with a firm grip while you explain to her the preferred storage possibilities of the canned goods. Remind her that you should never store food in an area that may be inhabited by black widow spiders. Tell her about the mating ritual of those spiders. And since you are on the subject, why not tell her (in detail) about the mating rituals of an even more deadly spider that resides in Australia. Thank You for Shopping at WalMart, and have a great day!

Every time I enter this store I feel surrounded by weirdos! But seriously, this dude with the grandma that cans and the spider mating stories was by far the creepiest!!!