Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Jayce has discovered my new mop. He thinks this is a very COOL mop. He asked "Mom, where did you find this mop?" I found it at Costco- "oh"- And I detect the disappointment in his little face at the mention of Costco. You see- Costco does not sell baby brothers, and he really, really needs me to buy him one. But he perks up and runs off, returning with his Harry Potter robe and his wizard hat on and a spell in mind! "Mom, where did you put that mop 3000." Costco is no longer the worst place in town- my little wizard is full of joy as he rides his "mop 3000!" (If only the mop 3000 came with a super buff dude to carry Jayce around so he can feel that he is really flying!)
Elation hit the house on Christmas Eve- when Jordan and Whitney announced that they are expecting! I AM GOING TO BE A GRANDMA!!!!!! I am so very happy!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Anniversary Jordan and Whitney!

Married two years now- and still going strong!
Thanks Whitney for being the PERFECT daughter-in-law!
ANd Jordan- you know we love you! You are a great brother-
and an awesome son!
Happy Anniversary!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A lie....... and a Secret!

The lie was mine! It was little and undamaging but led to a conversation that I am still thinking about. It happened when I was pulling out of my garage and ran into Kelcey's cute little Reno that was behind me. GRRRR! I wish she wouldn't park behind me- does she expect me to look first or what?!? So i bumped her car- no damage was done and she was forced to come out and move. Baylie was already in the car with me- so fully aware of the situation- she says "did you tell her that you hit her car?" No Baylie- lets just not tell her- it didn't hurt anything. Baylie laughs and says- "You know what- I will just write this in my journal- because its funny- and when I die, will you read it- and make sure everyone laughs- because I don't want anyone crying at my funeral." I am just not sure what to think about this conversation. But I am taking care of my lie now- no funeral happening here! Geesh- Baylie!

The Secret part- I watched a show called The Secret Millionaire last night and I cried for an hour! I was impressed with the GOOD that people can do when they literally have nothing! I can't tell you all about it- you should see it for yourself!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Lunch and BABIES!

Today Jayce and I had the privilege of taking my dear friend Jamey Mulvey to lunch. We went to Chick-Fil-A. We invited Kelcey, Kerryne, Peyton and Pajha as well. It was fairly un-eventful. Kelcey left early to go to work. Kerryne left to meet a friend at the mall. Jamey and I watched the kids play in the play land. Pajha needs a potty break (this is her second in an short time period) so Jamey watches the boys, I take the potty girl. We get into the bathroom and she instantly lies on the floor and crawls under the obviously occupied bathroom stall door, and begins a conversation with the lady in the stall! I was embarrassed, the lady was embarrassed- but Pajha was fine. The little girl with the lady was her friend- they had known each other for all of 5 minutes- so whats the big deal!
Then as we are leaving Pajha grabs Jameys hand and asks "Do you have a baby in your tummy?" Jamey laughs and says "no". Pajha cant drop it there- she then says "well you should get one in there so it can grow"- Jamey still laughs, Maybe she is hoping this will end if she doesn't respond. No such luck! Pajha then tells her "I know how to get a baby in there. My mom told me. You just need a Futon. Futons make babies. Do you have a Futon?" Poor Jamey! And I am wondering WHAT her mommy is teaching her!?! (Just Kidding Kerryne- I know they have minds of their own!) BUT as we drop Jamey off at home Pajha rips off her seat belt and announces she is going into Jameys house to see if there is a futon so she can SHOW her that babies are in them!
Oh MY! Pajha cried when she didn't get to escort Jamey into her house!
So please watch out for those futons ladies! (Unless you want a baby!)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

No surprises here!

We have almost completed Christmas shopping. One thing that Ross and I decided we would get for the family this year is a Wii. Nobody asked for it but we have heard good things about the fitness wii and the sports wii -so maybe it is something we can all enjoy.
Last night Jordan picked up Jayce to play with him for awhile. Ross and I used this chance to bring Christmas in and get it wrapped and stored. I didnt get to wrap the Wii- Ross beat me to it-
Jordan brings Jayce home. Baylie, Jordan Jayce and Ross and I are sitting in the front room and somehow the Wii comes up- Jordan has played a few games on it and enjoyed them. I turn to Ross and say- does our Wii have that? (WHY DO I DO THESE THINGS?)
He did not respond. But my sweet Baylie caught on quite quickly and now she knows- we are getting a Wii! Luckily Jayce has not a clue as to what a Wii is- so he can still be surprised!

Monday, December 1, 2008

My Thanksgiving Belly

No one is complaining yet about their Thanksgiving Belly- So I will be the first!
It hurts! I was asked to bring the simplest pies possible- I didnt even make my own pie crust- I bought the pre-made, frozen kind. So simple- But I can mess up just about anything! I placed them in the oven on a cookie sheet, just as instructed, with the most beautiful fork poked designs ever, and I washed a sink full of dishes (which for me leads to a very wet front!) while they baked for 10 minutes. I pulled them out and stuck my big belly right on that 425* cookie sheet! Thats one sweet burn and I believe this one will leave a scar!!
Jordan said-" Thats what happens when you start getting fat!!" I love that kid but sometimes I still have the urge to spank his butt!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Jayce!

Jayce turned "5"!
The day began for him with Pajha and Kelcey jumping on the bed to wake him up! Pajha proudly announced that Jayce grew during the night! He is so much bigger now because he is 5!
We sang to him at pre-school, and had a few friends and Ross's family over for pizza, cake and ice cream! Jayce wanted everyone to know that you dont officially turn 5 until you have blown out the candles! Thats good information to have! In that case I should be about 25- since I havent blown out any candles for a few years!

Thanksgiving was great also! The Christensen side got together for family pictures. This is quite an experience when mom and dad have eight kids and those eight kids have husbands/wives and kids of their own and some of those kids have spouses and kids of their own! It was crazy but worth it! Thank You Shontell for getting that arranged for us!- Dinner was nice also! I decided when the food was ready to let those hungry men go ahead of me- I thought it was a good choice! It turns out that I should have shoved my way to the front of that line! The sweet potatoes were gone- the stuffing was gone- - Drat! I learned a lesson- Dont feed the men first!!!
I was forced to eat veggies and fruit salad and great pasta salad (yum!)- and to make up for the fat I might of lost by not having the stuffing and yams- I ate 1/2 of a pie by myself!! That'll show 'em!

On the GOOD NEWS side of things- KELCEY IS A GRADUATE!! She finally finished cosmotology! She will take her state test in January! Good Job Kel!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I am crazy!
I am just babbling at the walls!
Nobody listens!
My husband even walks out of the room when I start talking!
The children are called by a combined phrase of names that do not necessarily exist-
BayKel KelBay PayJayce JayPey - I have even heard Kerryne call Satan-- actually wanting Peyton! So maybe its a good thing that nobody listens!
The feeling is similar to the Christmas morning feeling! The kids are overjoyed- total excitement overload! The house is a disaster- with no hope of being straightened in the near future- the adults are exhausted due to the endless energy of the children!
Somehow I think we will manage to truly enjoy the time we have together and when they all leave it will be the after Christmas feeling- the bummer, so sad, why did it have to end feeling!
For now- babbling at the walls is beginning to feel rather normal! When I do escape home alone- I become dangerously silly! I went to Maceys to pick up some groceries- all by myself- I felt so lucky! Grandma and Grandpa had invited Jayce to play with them at their house and everyone else was gone- so I am at Maceys with my grocery cart and I am singing in my head one of our new pre-school songs- Skip around the rosie- and I find myself skipping with my cart down the isle. I would have been very embarrassed had there been an audience- but the only spectator was a cute little old man who smiled and seemed to understand! Still- I think I will avoid the public alone! When you sing and skip and babble with children- you seem normal! Alone- that's a different story!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Organized Chaos!

Thats the best way to describe our home right now.
Okay- maybe it is not so organized- but definately chaos!
Just to give you an example of the daily going ons-
Today I came into the office to find Kerryne standing on a chair acting like she is driving and Jayce and Pajha are both talking with their "outside voices" AND Jayce is hitting Kerryne on the legs. I CLAPPED my hands and said "GET DOWN!"
So of course Kerryne jumps down like a scolded child.
What I meant to say was "Stop hitting your aunt"- it just came out all wrong. SERIOUSLY!
Later, Kerryne and I were talking and Jayce comes in and announces that he has brushed his teeth again for about the 30th time today and I said "glad"
thats it- just "glad"
-- Maybe I am going crazy!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Heaven HELPED me!

And today I really needed it!
I had to pray before I voted- I am so uninformed and I dont know who is the best person for for the job- but its done.
The rest of the day was full of family and fun. My sister Kerryne and her two kids are living with us for awhile, so Jayce is on excitement overload! I had plans to spend the day with Kohen and Pajha and Jayce. My brother Cameron also lives with us and had the day off. While Kerryne and I and the kids were gone to get Bay and Peyton from school, some kids came to the house to play with me! Imagine that- nobody has came to the door and asked to play with me for years! Cameron answered the door and had no idea who these kids were and why they would want to play with me. Turns out it was my nieces and nephews from Ross's side- so they came and joined the fun! Morrison, Merrick, Wellya, Fania and Allora. Thats 8 friends- if you count Jayce- Then Kelcey comes home and she is wanting to go car shopping. She has a hard time saving money so she has been giving me the cash and I have been saving it for her. I put it in a special place. Then she found that special place so I had to put it in another special place. She wants it NOW! I cannot remember where that special place is- BLAST IT! I search and search- I have friends over- I dont want to search anymore right now, but Kelcey is crying and upset- How could I do this to her???
So I go upstairs and shut myself in my closet and say a prayer- I need some serious help. I am loosing my mind and my "friends" are in need of some intelligent supervision- The real issue is that Kelcey needs her savings and I am personally resposible for loosing a large amount of cash-- Please help me remember where it is! And this amazing thing happened! I knew- I saw that special place- I knew before I had even finished praying! I calmly walked out of my closet and went to that special place and took the cash out and handed it to Kelcey- she was shocked- she thought this would be like the christmas shoes I bought her 7 years ago and still have not found.
I have had prayer answered before but never so easily and so sweetly! All I had to do was ask! I am a lucky lady!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Where We Were

40 years ago: I was 2 years old living in the same area I live in now. Possibly even attending the same ward. My parents lived in a small duplex on Jefferson Street. I had an older sister Shontell and another sister on the way.

20 years ago: I was a 22 year old mother of one cute little boy, Jordan. We had a small home in Sandy. I was in the Primary Presidency and was really learning alot and loving our ward. I was also coming to terms with the possibility of not being able to have another child and undergoing surgical procedures to remove scar tissue- cysts- whatever else could be found that should not be there. I was a lucky lady to have been able to have any children at all- I never dreamt that I would have 4!
Ross was searching for his dream career. He worked for the family business but also went to school at night. He would have been working on becoming an EMT at this time which eventually lead to his career as a Fireman.

10 years ago: I had 3 children- Jordan who was 11, Kelcey 8, Baylie 4. We have FINALLY finished our home in murray and Ross was probably cooking up plans for some addition. I was still serving in the Primary- Different ward- Primary is and was a really great place to be. Ross would have been in the bishopric- soon to be High Council and then Stake Young Mens Pres. I was also called to the Stake Primary Presidency about the same time. It was a busy life for this family. We worked super hard at doing all the "RIGHT" things- Family Night- scripture study- famliy prayer twice a day- meetings coming out of our ears- soccer, basketball, dance class, baseball- Now when I see the cute young families going through a similar time in their lives I just smile to myself and think- BEEN THERE! I am officially too old to do that again! It was wonderful! We have great memories- and we learned so many wonderful lessons! Work wise- Ross had been a Paramedic for about 4 years and went from his 24 hour on shift- 24 hours off- to working days and teaching Paramedic courses- Home every night- What is a woman to do with a man who stays home every night. The kids and I had a schedule- a routine- "I" was the boss-- things were a bit touchy for awhile, but we worked it out. I let Ross think he's in charge.

5 Years ago: THE SHOCK OF MY LIFE!!!
I had been working at Liberty Elementary tutoring. I loved my job! I loved that I had the same schedule that my children had. Baylie is 9-Kelcey 13- Jordan 16. I have one child in each school-elementary, Jr high and High school. Life is sweet! I had not been feeling well for a few weeks, that turned in not feeling well for a month- I call my doctor who has been really great through years and years of female problems and he says "lets do a quick blood test to start with then go from there"
I go in for the blood test- And I get the phone call the next day- Mrs. Fowlks Your test was positive- I ask "Positive for what?" Oh, mam- you are pregnant. I instantly started to cry. I had suffered miscarriages, I had hurt for years from "knowing" that there was a little boy waiting to join our family- AND I HAD GIVEN UP YEARS AND YEARS AGO! I had moved on- I was done! This could NOT be happening to me! I had been "Medically Induced" into menopause- This was a miracle that was unexpected and at that moment it was too much for me to handle! I cried alot! But it all worked out just fine! Jayce was born- He will be 5 in 23 days! And we cannot imagine life without him! What a blessing!
I am also serving on the State PTA board. Its alot of meetings! And a great way to be informed and involved in- well- everything!

3 Years ago: Jordan was 18 and Graduating from High School! Yeah! Kelcey was 15 and giving us all kinds of heck! GRR! Baylie was 11. Playing soccer for a competiton team and loving life! Jayce was 2- fun age! Fun times. Honestly- I never thought that I would say this but I loved life right then! Jordan always had a group of boys over that were "my boys" and they were messy and they ate everything in sight and I complained constantly about them- but oh how I loved them and I miss those days! Jordan was dating Whitney Earl and we were so grateful that he had found a really special girl to spend time with! Kelcey could be trying- and honestly I prayed so much for her- and for me- it takes such love and patience and forgiveness and hope and faith to raise children! And I am so glad that I have her! She has taught me much!
Still on the State PTA Board- still alot of meetings and a great way to be informed and involved-

1 year ago: Jordan was a married man and looking to purchase his first home. We love Whitney. Kelcey was attending cosmotology at Echelon Edge part time and still being a stinker about high school. Baylie is in Jr high- 13 years old. Still playing soccer and doing very well in school. Jayce is 3- I am working at Copper Creek Preschool twice a week. This works well for me. I can have Jayce with me and we both get out of the house. I am in the Relief Society Presidency- something I went into kicking and screaming- its just not "me"- But its becoming very, very dear to me! I love the women in our ward! I learn so much from them and I am so incredibly blessed to be serving them! Still on the state PTA board- I am informed and involved and I have met the best people and had great experiences- but I think this will be my last year!

Today: I LOVE going to the gymn- so I am so happy that I got there today! I still work at the preschool-3 days a week now! Baylie has a soccer game tonight- its indoor- and they call it Footsal! Kelcey is looking for a new car- any one want a 1987 Thunderbird?? Its a Classic! She has 40 hours of cosmotology left- but she'll skip class for the silliest reasons! Ross is working days again and will possibly stay days until he retires. I still let him think he is the boss! I am still in the Relief Society and loving it!

Tommorrow: I plan on VOTING! And then Jayce and I are playing with my Niece, Pajha and Nephews, Peyton and Kohen for the day.

Next Year: Maybe I will be a Grandma????? No- Jordan would not like me to think that!
Jayce will be in Kindergarten and Baylie will start High School- How wierd is that? I guess I will be doing PTA/ room mom all over agian!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Todays Lesson-

Its a package deal today- two for the price of one! And the teacher is Jayce!
Probably best told in his own words.

Days ago I went to "that place where I had no cavities." I liked it there and "that Guy" said "good job on brushing your teeth Jayce. Keep up the good work. You should brush whenever you want- morning, day or night!" I like "that guy" and even I woke up at like 3:00 in the morning and said to my mom that I needed to go brush my teeth because "that Guy" said I should do it whenever I think about it!

Mom thinks she needs to have a little CHAT with that Guy!

When I brushed my teeth on Sunday I remembered about church and I told my mom and dad that I dont wish to be FOO-WISH.

DUMB STARES- what the heck is foo-wish?? Ross and I have no clue but that doesnt stop him. Keep in mind his mouth is full of toothpaste and a toothbrush during this lesson- he was difficult to understand!

I should say my prayers and brush my teeth and then I wont be foo-wish. I should do good things- then I wont be foo-wish. I should be kind and then I wont be foo-wish!

Yep! Thats a great lesson! I am so grateful for our great primary. I am trying to be grateful for "that Guy" too- He's getting on my nerves- I dont enjoy getting up at 3 AM to brush- Ill have to work that!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Today I was pulled over--- IN MY GARAGE!!

I had just picked up Baylie from School. We stopped at the mailbox as we came into our circle- its 2 houses down. This is where the officer began tracking me! From the mailbox to the house I managed an alarming speed of 15 MPH, all while steering the vehicle, pushing the garage door opener, and singing the Spongebob Squarepants theme song at the top of my lungs. Jayce and Kohen sang along! Is it any wonder that I didnt see his lights or hear his siren? He was on a motorcycle- the guy was hard to see! So, I pull into the garage and reach up to put the door down- and MR. 6 foot 11(give or take a few inches) 250 LB motorcycle cop steps through the door and yells "Dont you dare lower this door!" GEESH! Scared the kids and myself! He waltzes into the garage, Black Hooker boots, skin tight black pants tucked into the boots, leather jacket and black sun glasses, and a shiny new white helmet (which he NEVER removed!)
"Mam, Didnt you see me?" Thats an obvious "NO sir! I did not. "I honked my horn and flashed my lights at you." I said I did not see you. Where were you?
"I chased you from your mailbox!" Please know that this man was not a happy man. He was very serious! So that 15 MPH drive from my mailbox to the house must have felt like a high-speed chase to him- I am wondering at this point if he has called for back-up. The good news is that this high-speed chase lead him directly to my garage! Hows that for a catch! He had NO sense of humor! I get him all the "stuff" he needs while he informs me that I have a tail light out and my registration seems to be expired. I look at the plate and -YEP- its expired! I am a guilty woman. I tell him to please write the ticket and I will take the kids inside- since they are both crying and upset-- He walks to his motorcycle- which still has lights running- so I thought we had a deal! I take the kids inside- my cute neighbor comes over and we had a little chuckle at his expense in the kitchen and then I returned to the garage only to be scolded for leaving the "crime scene"= The crime being an expired registration and burnt out tail light- the scene being my garage. Are you serious Mr. Policeman? "Yes- Do you know that when you entered your home I have no way of knowing if you are going in to get your shotgun or another form of weapon- You need to understand that!" YES SIR!! He is now standing practically on top of me with his finger shaking in my face. YES SIR!! As he turns to leave he hits his head on the stroller that is hanging in the garage! Its a good thing that shiny white helmet was firmly in place- otherwise, who knows what could have happened!

posted by shell @ 2:53 PM 0 Comments

Thursday, October 16, 2008


If you have a dryer- YOU NEED TO READ THIS!!
If you haven't read my earlier post- POWER, and a Diet Coke- stop right now and read that first!!
If you have already read that- then all I can say is --- read on!
Today was like any other day. Busy. I was entertaining Jayce and Kohen and took a quick break to swap the laundry out- you know the drill- dry clothes to the couch to be folded sometime, hopefully today!, and wet stuff to the dryer, then start another load. We all do it day after day- does not take much thought!
So- I walk out of the laundry room and instantly begin wondering where the kitten is- I have Kohen and Jayce after all- and they do love to chase her or put her in boxes- stuff like that. So I ask them- have you seen the kitten- NO, they say. I think this is weird because she generally follows me every where. I sat down to try to get some of my book work done and I cant stop thinking about this kitten- where could she be??
I hear a clunk, clunk in the dryer. You guessed it- She was in there! I run to the dryer and open the door thinking "PLEASE don't let her be in here!" I see the clothes moving- good sign I think- shes moving at least. After all how many of us would survive 5 minutes in the dryer?
The Kitty I pulled out of the dryer was panting and had bulging eyes and a look that scared me! She was bleeding from her mouth and her nose a bit. What would you do?? I called the paramedic- Ross and he ignored my call- So I called the EMT Jordan , who said "I don't know what to tell ya!" - Should I call 911?? Ross would kill me, I know, but its tempting. So I snuggle the panting little kitten in a towel and say a prayer, some higher power should be able to help me with this. I cant just watch her die, so I lay her down by the water and leave the room. I check on her seconds later, she is still panting and she looks just just like a cat named "SCREECH" should look- scary! Ross calls and through the laughter I realize he is not going to be any help at all- he can hardly wait to hang up on me and go tell the guys what his goofy wife did this time- So I am on my own.
Well, she is still alive at this time. She's drinking water and jumping around. She has a big ding on her head. POOR KITTY! But I think she could pull through!
SO, thus the URGENT WARNING! ALWAYS CHECK YOUR DRYER BEFORE YOU START IT- You never know what might be in there!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

POWER- and a Diet Coke!

Jayce has Special Power- this is not news to anyone! The POWERS range from "water throwing" to "Flame Control" (And Ross- I don't think this has anything to do with Fire Fighting!) I don't know what special powers might creep out- and I cant prepare for the unknown, so I just roll with it!

Shelli has a Diet Coke addiction- this also is not news to anyone!! I gave it up for about three months. I didn't remember why I gave it up- just seemed like a great idea! Then I took it back up about two months ago. Now I remember why I gave it up. It was the constant headache- oh- how I dislike those migraines! and the sick to the stomach- all day- every day feeling!

Friday was a bad day! Every room Jayce walked into turned into a disaster zone-
Why do children shred Toilet Paper while they sit on the toilet? Why does the hand towel end up in the sink, soaked, when he washes his hands? Why does half a bottle of hand soap need to be squirted into the toilet? Why does my wash machine need thirteen scoops of detergent in it when I am not even washing today? Why does the kitten need to be in the dryer? (At least it wasn't running!) Why can I not keep up with this child??? And it is simple- he has power and I NEED a Diet Coke.

So we stop at my favorite Diet coke store on the way to Pre-school. Its only noon, but I feel like it should be bedtime! My favorite Diet Coke shop has good crushed ice and its on the way- so we get out of the car and go in. Jayce instantly disappears- I find him, explain AGAIN why he needs to stay by me- I waited too long for this little guy and I wont have him kidnapped. Please Jayce, Stay with me!
I get the good ice- I go for the Diet Coke and he is gone again. I find him- explain the whole stay near me AGAIN! and he says- "Mom I cant help it- I have uncontrolled visibility power. (It comes out "Uncontrowed Visibiwity power" ) What is this power and how did you get it? "Well, It cant be expwained- some people just get it!" Great- I am guessing that its shows itself through "unexplained disappearing" You hide because you have power to be invisible- I think I am getting this and I really want that Diet Coke- So I had to have some power of my own!
So- I tell him- I know just what to do about this. I will use my amazing power to tie up children with my uncontrollable invisible rope. Nobody, and no power is greater than this rope so once I tie you up, you will not be able to move until I take the rope off!
Well, it worked- I still got some power in me!!!
I turn to get my drink and he stands statue still next to me. A man walks in and looks at Jayce and says "your a good boy" He says "My mom tied me up!"
Thanks Jayce! So I'm ready to go- and guess what- He cant walk while he is tied up- I will have to carry him. Oh I can play this game buddy- I will now use my super untying power to release you!
Great idea- didn't work.
I have now lost the power so I had to carry the stiff as a board boy to the car- karate chop (Gently of course!) his tummy to bend him to the car seat- Now we are ready to go!!
I jump in the car and put it into reverse before any other power sneaks up on me- and I look at the hood of the car just in time to see my diet coke fall to the ground! RATS!
Would I look silly if I jumped out of the car and gathered the ice and shoved it into my mouth? Maybe I could suck the drops of Diet Cole off the hood???
OH -BOY!!!!! It took all my power to be a lady and just drive away!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Somethings are best left- UNKNOWN!

Our family had planned to go camping over conference weekend- we havent had our trailer out much over the past year, so this was a big deal and we were looking forward to it. Then Baylie has a friend who invites her to go to conference with her for the Saturday afternoon session. How could we say no?!? SO, we cancelled the camping- and we sent her to conference with her friend and, we thought, her friends family. When she returned home we asked her all about it and only then did we find out that the parents dropped Baylie and her friend off at the Conference center, and the girls went to the Gateway mall afterwards and rode trax home. This all sounds just fine as I sit here telling you about it- but, believe me, I was GRRRRRRRR!! mad about the whole thing. Why didnt they just call and ask me to pick them up??? What parent would let her daughter tromp around Salt Lake after conference, and ride tracks home without her mother at her side???? Well, IF I had know this was happening I would have refused to let her go! So I guess somethings are best left unknown! She had a great time! She returned home safetly! She is 14 after all- BUT she better NEVER do that again!

Wisdom- (as in TEETH)

Kelcey had her Wisdom teeth removed last Friday! It was a quick procedure- about an hour start to finish! She handled it better than we expected. I was NOT looking forward to all sorts of drama- I mean, this is the 18 year old that FREAKS when she has to have a throat culture done- it takes me, 4 nurses and a doctor to hold her down, so I was not at all upset when Ross volunteered to take her to the appointment!
Turns out that the anisthesiologist (Spelled wrong- I know!) was a great friend of our sister-in-law Cheri's boyfriend Kevin. SO Ross hit it off with him and the chat session began and before they knew it, Kelcey was finished! She has been in a bit of pain but feeling pretty great today. She's back to school and work and thats good news for all of us!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Life is GOOD!

News in the Fowlks family is all good this week!
Cameron, who is my baby brother (26) moved in a week ago and he seems to be tolerating the Fowlks' rather well! We are enjoying him!
Kelcey has had 6 cavities filled and will be getting her wisdom teeth pulled next week- stinks for her, but she will be happy to have it all finished. She has about 6 weeks left of cosmotology school and is loving her job at Sally Beauty Supply.
Baylie had only great reports from teachers this week at Parent-Teacher Conference!All A's and they love her!
Jayce has had a bit of a rough week- seems that he has his fathers temper!! Lucky me! When he isnt feeling well it is a bit scarey! So this week we have been fighting the sore throat, stuffy nose, cant sleep virus! I have been head butted a few times and have the bruises to prove it- DANG he has a hard head!
but its all part of being a mom!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


We have a "good news" minute every Sunday at church. I never have good news of my own to share--Cant we have a "bad News" minute- or hour-- or however long it takes??
I know the idea is to focus on the good things that happen during the week, so I am trying to do this and wouldn't ya know it I thought of TWO items of GOOD NEWS!!
My sweet brother Chad married the beautiful Becky three years ago. She has a son who is 11 and in the 6th grade named Cameron. Cam wanted from the very beginning to be adopted, and it took awhile, but on Thursday in a little Provo Court house, Cameron was adopted by Chad!! YEAH!
And secondly, my sister and dear friend Kerryne and her two children, Payton 7. and Pajha 4, will be moving into our house on October 28. Bjay, my brother-in-law, is going to Korea for a few months and we will be happy to have her and the children back in Utah. (They have lived in Cyprus which is a little island in the Mediterranean Sea near Turkey for a few years.)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

St. George- HERE WE COME!!

Its been a LONG summer- so for part of our Olsen-Fowlks-Barnson (and who ever else we can talk into joining us) tradition, we headed to St.George for the Labor day weekend.We left later Friday night, and about 3 minutes into the drive Jayce began "are we there yet"--- It seemed like we would never get there!

The kids all loved the pool. Ross and Todd had a good time too! Diving became the sport of the weekend- and let me tell ya- the girls could do some pretty great belly flops! I believe it was Todd that challenged Ross to dive into the pool with his life saving devices in place. For Ross and Todd this would be an intertube around the belly and several noodles to balance the head and feet. Ross took the challenge- and the intertube exploded- not pretty! Plus it was not even his intertube- so now he owes somebody a tube!!
Any free time, away from the pool, was spent playing cards, eating, playing cards, eating, and a little shopping at the outlets! The shopping was worth it, because Shontell bought a swimsuit AND we got her into the pool- that was a first!! She even has a bit of a sunburn on her "Celestial" Skin!
As the weekend wound down and we prepared to head home I realized that I wish we could have more time like this together with the people that we love! Just time to chat and relax and laugh! I cherish these moments and look forward to next year!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My FUNNY Life!!

Funny #1
This takes the cake! This summer I have had the JOY of spending time with my nieces and nephews a few days a week. There's my sister LeAnnes son, Kohen, who is 4, and my brother and sister-in-law's children, Morrison and Merrick, who are 7, Wellya, who is also 7, and Fania who just turned 5. Occassionally they are all here on the same day and its like a great big PARTY!
We had a party day last Tuesday. I returned from the gymn to find a full house. Baylie volunteered to take them all outside for a few minutes so I could get a quick shower. I did not lock the door- BIG MISTAKE!! The kids all love to play in my bathroom. They had chosen an Indiana Jones Theme for the day- so lots of sword fights and such were in the works when they came crashing into my bathroom just as I step out of the shower. HELLO!! MEET YOUR NAKED AUNT SHELLI!
Embarrasing for me- they didnt seem to mind, as they contiued their sword fights as if I were not even there!
Baylie laughed her buns off! Thanks for the help Bay!!

Funny #2
This is just as good as the first but happened a few weeks before and I am still recovering from the event- so I am a little sensitive about it all! But the story must be told!
We were enjoying a BBQ with the cheif and a few captains from the fire dept. one evening. Every one had a great time and we were preparing to leave. Ross went into the cheifs home to use the potty, and I went looking for him, knowing he was inside. It was very dark outside!! VERY DARK!!Okay, maybe it wasnt that dark!) So I was walking toward the light inside the house when CRASH!!- It sounded like a gun had been fired right next to my ear. Horrible! But it was no gun! Just my face hitting the glass door! It hurt! I left a very great impression of my nose and forhead smeared on the glass and I have a darn good bruised up finger as well. (I was holding a cup of ice water which exploded upon impact, thus the gun firing sound, and drenched me in water!) Why do I do these things at the worst times??
If I had been home alone and ran into the glass door- no big deal. Nobody would know! But here I am in front of the people Ross works with-- Stupid me!
Jordan is now working on a fence for the cheif- and he was proud to show Jordan the face print that his mother left on his door. Think they could wash that off sometime real soon!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Baylies Birthday!

Baylie turned 14 on Saturday, June 7,08. We began the day bright and early- Baylie LOVES IHOP so we took her to breakfast before Kelcey left for school. For her party, she invited Brittany Larsen, MaKenzy Gray, Mackenzie Allred(we call them Gray and Red- just to keep the MaKenzies straight), Lauren Groves and Marie. We had Pizza and then went to Gateway for a movie. We watched KUNG FU PANDA. It is a very entertaining show! Jayce even sat through the entire film. Then we returned home for ice cream, cake and pictures. Baylie had a great day!

Spring Fun!

Jayce and I have been home from Preschool for the first week and we survived. Kohen has come to play and Allora has also come to play! We have had a good time outside!

Memorial Day!

I always have mixed feelings on this day! Oh, how I miss those that are gone- My sweet 5 year brother, Grandma's and Grandpa's on every side, Uncles, cousins and a brother-in-law--
All are so missed! But I LOVE this song-"I Believe!" I hope you will take a second to hear it out- Its beautiful and I know we have those loved ones near us always!

And then to lighten your mood- I have added some favorite MEMORIES!! SHONTELL, I cant think of you without bursting into a horrible, off tune Carpenters tune!! (You know I really can sing- HAHA!! Its just horribly off tune because I know you love it that way!!) Kerryne,"your gonna miss this" is my memories for you! I actually am the one missing you and your family!! And the song always gets me!! Wish you were here!!

Preschool GRADUATE!

Graduation is a bit sad for me this year! I have grown so attached to these cute kids!
Next year will be the same group- minus a few that move into Kindergarten--
so it will be fun to spend another year with them! Jayce loves school and will
be very bored on Tuesday and Thursday without it! I think I actually will be bored as well- but, ya know, I do enjoy cleaning house and so I guess I know what I will do with my spare time!!

Soccer Tournament

Rain seems to be the only weather we have lately! And soccer stops for nothing!!
So we were able to get a few pictures during the tournament. The Team did well- and
won a game on Thursday- a shut-out, which gives us a few bonus points in tournament standings, then came Saturdays 8:00 AM game, which means that the players show up NO LATER than 7:30 AM- and the games were all in Kaysville. Imagine the Fowlks Family leaving the house about 7:10ish and hitting the freeway, Ross at the wheel-
Yes, that would be a ticket! So NO we did not make it for the 7:30 cut off- but we were there by 7:45, ticket and all!!

The team played two games on Saturday- winning one, one lost! And the began agian on Mondays RAINING morning! Now IF we win this game- we will play at least one more game today in the drizzle- possibly two more games- and if we dont win, we are free to go home for the rest of memorial day! -So we didnt feel terrible when we lost the first game- we were very wet and some girls- Baylie in particular, very muddy! It was time to go home!!


As many of you know- Jayce is quite a character! He has many imaginary friends- Pablo, Casper and Tyrone are a few regulars! He has been blessed with an outstanding couple as Primary Teachers! They are cool enough to know who Pablo is- and to enjoy Casper and Tyrone as well- and to teach him some amazing things! I know that all Primary teachers are great- but I cant help but brag on Brother Franko and Sister Jodi! Months ago they talked to the class about feeding their bodies food and water to keep them strong- and how its also important that we feed our spirits with scriptures and uplifting music so that our spirits can be strong. He has been committed to this since the day he learned it and often you will find us reading scripture to him and singing about his favorite prophets. Well, last night his toe itched all night. He gets some very dry patches of skin on his body that itch and we rubbed cream on the toes time after time to comfort him and nothing seemed to work. Needless to say, it ended up being a long, long night! Lucky for us, by morning he had figured out why his toes itched so badly all night long- HIS SPIRIT WAS HUNGRY! All it took was a few great scripture stories to calm the itching toes and all was right with the world of Jayce!!


Baylie had a few friends over one night. The girl on the left was a girl we had not met before- really the first time that she had hung out with the two MaKenzies and Baylie- so Jayce walks into the room and the girl on the left (sorry, I cant remember her name) looks at him and says "hey Jayce, what are you doing here??- He says- "well, this is where I live today!" (I would love to know where he lives on the other days!) SO we are asking how she knows Jayce and she says she met him at a soccer game. Makes sence since we spend most of our spare time at soccer games- I just had no idea that he had so many friends- they are pretty good buddies!


Hillcrest Jr High has a monster concert every year. All of the choirs participate. Normally baylie and her girls choir are required to wear their "uniform" which is a long fancy black dress and nice dress shoes- not really Baylies favorite attire- but the monster concert is different. They wear jeans and t shirts and they really sing some fun songs- mostly all without accompaniment- beautiful! Jayce didnt want to go- the monster thing was scarey- but he was jammin and had a great time!


Thanks to Calliou (which is a tv show on KBYU)- Jayce has decided to be a robot! He had a great time! I thought I would add a few pictures of some of the good times we have around home! Like the two girls getting along- now that doesnt happen at our house very often! SNOW BALL FIGHTS which happened alot this winter- what a winter!! Bubble baths and sweet naps!! AHHHH- Those are the best!


Whitney and myself were all registered to run a 5K. Unfortunately, Ross was invited to go golfing with the fire dept big whigs! It was a "I just cant say no" thing- so he went golfing. Jordan was testing that morning for Salt Lake Cities Fire dept, and, as luck would have it- Myself and Jayce and Baylie have been having some fun in the tummy area- mostly sitting on the toilets- so running just didnt sound like a great idea! So- Whitney took a friend and her sister and they had a great time at the race. For those of you who don't know- this is a breast cancer foundation (susan Kohmen) and a worthy cause. We have a good friend who is a radiologist and treats cancer patients so we join her team each year. At the end there is a "Survivors Parade" that is very moving! So, Mothers Day came- Jayce was still not feeling great- but we were dumb enough to take him to church anyway- and about half way through he RAN as fast as he could to the bathroom, but didn't quite make it in time- still he locked himself in a stall in the mens room and YELLED for MOM and DAD until Ross went in to rescue him! Poor boy! He did have time, however, to fill out a cute paper about his mom- He thinks I am thirty- which I'll take- sounds a lot better than almost 42.My favorite thing to do is clean the house- I guess I need to stop having so much FUN while I clean! My eyes are black- who knew? and I love to color- my secret is out!! Its always fun to hear what kids think of us!!Later when we drove to the Christensen's, Jayce barfed in the car- gotta love that smell!!- I nearly barfed myself while trying to clean it up- lucky for me I am married to a medic- he loves that kind of thing!! So the visits with moms were cut short. Kelcey wrote a beautiful poem for me that I will share with you- It is touching and she actually worked on this for many days- impressive!!Oh- and Kelcey is dating a young man that we really like. His name is Preston, he lives in Ogden, is a commercial real estate agent, working out of Centerville, and attending Westminster College- with some sort of pilot- commercial pilot maybe?- degree in the works. He is 21- an old man for our 18 year old, but he seems to be a good guy!I would love to fill you in on the life of Baylie Nakole- but, I am the most embarrassing mother in the state of and I am simply not responded to these days other than grunts! She is alive and as we all know, she could easily live in her bedroom for months with no concern for food or beverage- she has a good supply in the "Baylie Cafe'" so there are few things to worry about for her. She has recently had soccer tryouts for the competitive team she has played on for four years (SHE MADE THE TEAM!!-) and High School Soccer tryouts are coming up in the next few weeks. I hear that Jordan and Whitney have there own Blogsite now- so someday when shes over I will have her link it with mine so you can all see how they are doing. My mom is naive and clueless but knows everything I'm thinking without even asking. My mom is: the rock n' roll chick of the Relief Society,the cheerleader of our family, and the rock in my life.My mom is Wonder Woman.She fixes cuts and bruises, mends broken hearts,plays with our imaginary friends, encourages and lectures, disciplines and consoles.My mom is there for me no matter what.My mom is amazing.She does everything and doesn't ask for anything in return.No one even comes close to you! Thank You for being my mom.The only thing I can say to that is- I really didn't know the friends were imaginary!!Thanks Kelc! This means a lot to me!!I have some beautiful Roses to go along with the outdoor garden statues from Ross and the kids and some really great rooster plaques and a clock for my kitchen from Jordan and Whitney- AND Jordan even hugged me today- that made my day right there!! I have a great family!

Birthday GIRL!

Kelcey wasnt feeling great on her birthday- We took her to Training Table at her request and she ended up in the bathroom the whole time. Her birthday party was put off several times, basically because she thinks her mom is lame for planning it- BUT- she had a great time and she even told me THANK YOU!! WOW!! Its a miracle! We played survival games for the things kelcey NEEDS to survivr in life- she chose the subjects- Food, music, fashion and money. She won a case of mac and cheese- the only food she eats lately, and some gift cards to her favorite clothes stores, her friends and family wrote some great songs for her and they won her $40.00 (thats in addition to the $200 we gave her for her birthday.) The tribes were divided into "family" and "friends". It was fun! (Thank You Shontell for the fun ideas!!)

Everyone is sick....AGAIN!

Excluding Baylie and Ross, we are one sick family! This time I did get Jayce to the Doctor within the two day time frame and he is on TAMI FLU- for the influenza- its like energizer bunny fluid- hes going and going and going- and I am POOPED! Kelcey has walking pneumonia- which is a two day "doctor excused" break from school- why do they they do this to moms- doctors should know that two days off for her is TONS of work for me! She's resting, unless she is "out with friends" which she seems to feel fine doing- unless shes resting, of course- there's no in between. Cant clean up her dishes because she is resting, cant move of the couch- shes resting- But when those friends call- shes fine!

We have spent the last few days with HARRY POTTER! Isn't he cute? He seriously wears these Harry Potter glasses everywhere! He believes he is a wizard- and he casts all kinds of spells on us all day long! Very creative young man! I am invisible right now and I am loving it! I tend to ask questions when spells are being cast, and Harry is pretty confident in his abilities- and always reassures me with calmly stating, " Don't worry mom, I have everything under control!!"

Now that's comforting!!

When can you come?

Jayce has only one concern today- when can Payton and Pahja come to my house?
We hope soon!
We had a great time at the Olsons, snuggling Gracie and eating great food.
Jayce played Minute Man with BryLeigh. I am still unsure of what Minute Man is- I think I will have to sign up for a lesson in that game! Jayce says that him and Bry's have plans to play again soon! They used a "white wood" for thier flying car and "black for the time computer."
We had to leave because Jayce had to get home to do his homework!

(Shonie, I hope your cute sisters-in-law know that I really dont make him do homework- He just likes to talk big!

The reality of life today is that Baylie has had INFLUENZA A- (did you know they test for this and can actually treat it with medication when it is caught within the first 2 days?) WHO KNEW- not me, so I waited too many days and then it had to just ride its course. She ultimately missed 7 days if school- doctors orders- and has a gob of homework to do to catch herself up! So we are all doing homework today! (And she has been declared free of the virus since early last week! YES!)

Jordan and Whitney went to nice sunny Vegas to see the Nascar races. They should be returning tonight and we hope they had a great time.

Kelcey is inching even closer to the BIG 18! FREEDOM! (She thinks)
Anyone have a great idea for a party?
And Ross and I went to the gymn together for the first time in years- I have been running with Baylie and her soccer team- Ross hasn't been working out much- so I kicked his butt, had to leave him in my dust!!
He will soon be outrunning me- so I am taking this opportunity to BRAG now!!


Here is the Fowlks Family!

Jordan and Whitney married just past 1 year, have happily purchased a new home and a new car recently! They are very happy!

Kelcey is 17 and 11 months today and looking forward to completing school at Echelon Edge Academy for cosmotology and getting into Esthetics. (AND hopefully getting s JOB!!)

Baylie is 13 1/2 and a great student and soccer player (GO MURRAY MAX!)and has been coined the "SILENT GENIUS" by a school teacher.

Jayce is currently the family entertainment- thats what happens when your 4 and every other person in the house is a teenager or OLD! He loves Harry Potter and Spidey and Power Rangers- he also has an invisible friend named Pablo- I should say he has two invisible friends- Casper comes around to cause trouble every now and then too!

Ross is working for Unified Fire Authority as a Captain. Shelli is helping out at CopperCreek Preschool and doing a not so great job on the book work for Allied Vinyl Fence and Gates- (thanks for all the help, shonie!)

Jordan is a paid call guy for Unified Fire and running the day to day business for AVF&G-

Whitney is a CNA at U of U hospital in the after mom has baby center- she sees all the new little babies!!

Jayce would like you to know that he no longer talks to Gingy, Tyron, Uniqua and Austin AND Tasha-They are all lost, or they moved and they lost their map to come to his house! What else can we expect from imaginary friends??