Monday, August 15, 2011

A new job.......

And we are calling it a "Permanent-Temporary Position." Mainly because I want/need flexible hours so I can raise my little guy- and be at all the soccer games annoying my teen!
So I wont be returning to my first love- working with children, SAD! But on the other hand, working with adults can be just like working with children!
I have been doing this job since June- but the intention was to cover for a woman that had a baby- she would come back- and I would return to tutoring. Today they offered me a position with company- and I accepted!
I am working with UNIFIED FIRE AUTHORITY in the EMERGENCY OPERATIONS Center. It is a job that I love and I have very humbling moments! The records that I review have taught me this:

Men and Women and often teens really do get so drunk that they fall down the stairs or walk into walls, or drive into trees or parked semis or homes. Sometimes they hit other vehicles, or pedestrians.

Women of all ages, including the very young ones, are raped and assaulted and left feeling worthless and unloved.

Suicide doesn't care how old you are- or what gender you are. It happens way too often in our state. Women generally chose medication, teens choose Listerine or Bleach or other handy substances, and men go for the more violent sources such as hanging or guns or high windows. No matter how they do it- the results are devastating to the families. Most shocking to me is the # of attempted suicides each day and the fact that many of them are elderly people.

Abuse of children and the elderly is a reality! This just leaves me shaking my head!

And sometimes when you are simply enjoying life- biking, jogging, boarding, walking, driving to dance class, taking your family to dinner, going to visit grandma- you get in the way of someone who is drinking, drugging and driving. It is so unfair!

So, like I said- it can be a very somber/sad/emotional work- but I am up for the challenge!


alisonwonderland said...

Congrats on the new job! That's important work!

Des said...

I am glad that you will have a more flexible job- but man- to have to hear about all of those tragedies would be tough. Good luck with the new job!

The Couple said...

WOW this sounds like quite the opportunity. Also, like an eye-opening thing. I think you will be fansastic for this!

Reen said...

I just discovered your blog. I am excited for you and your new job.
Sounds like you will learn a lot! Come over sometime and we can chat!