Friday, September 17, 2010

Some people have a way of making even ME look smart....

A few weeks ago I went into Baylie's school to give them more money- I feel like that school needs regular access to my bank account- there is always something else to pay for. This particular purchase was a soccer team jacket that will not arrive until after the soccer season is over. The financial office was closed so they couldn't run my debit card so i had to write a check and leave it in the office with the receptionist.
The check looked something like this:

Ross Fowlks
Shelli Fowlks
our address
My cell # (Hand written- quite large- couldn't miss it!)

the amount

For: Soccer Jacket- Baylie Fowlks Student #-----

All signed and set and ready to go.

So, here is how my conversation went with the lady- who we will call "L"

"L" What is the payment for?
me- to purchase a soccer jacket
"L" Who is the jacket for?
me- Baylie Fowlks- I put her student ID # on the check
"L" Okay. let me get some information from you. Its for soccer and her name is Jacket Baylie- maybe that should be Jackie Baylie- let me just change that so I can read it-
me- No her name is Baylie and its for a soccer jacket-
"L" (very puzzled, takes a long look at the check "so you meant for it to say soccer jacket- Baylie Fowlks?'
me - yes
"L" okay, i will need her last name
me its on the check and my husband and my name are the same
"L" so what is it?
"L" How do you spell that?
me- F O W L K S
"L" I wont remember that so we better write it down. can you spell it again?
me- Its written on the check and printed there-
"L" Spell it again, please.
me "F O W L K S
L prints this right next to my name on the check and the says "Oh its right here isnt it? " amd takes a red pen and circle the printed Fowlks.
"L" and your phone #?
me I wrote it on there for you
"L" Just give it to me again in case there is a problem-
me- I give it too her gain and she writes it next to where I wrote it.
"L" okay Thank You I think that is all we need- but I will call you if there are any questions.

Seriously, I felt for her- she was having a moment and I had to witness it. I think i have had a few of them myself!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


The invitation to Homecoming came a little after 10 PM one night- Baylie had already gone to bed so we had to wake her up. She stepped onto the front porch and music began playing. Suddenly a good sized group of male dancers (visualize Spartonians)- come running into the circle and then they performed a really great dance for her. It was too dark so the pictures didn't turn out, but it was really very impressive! At the end of the dance the boys ripped of their shirts and then ran back to wherever they came from, leaving Bay with a note inviting her to the dance, from Tyson.
She thought she was dreaming- so she shrugged her shoulders and went back to bed. Later that night she convinced herself that it had to have been a dream and, with all those shirtless boys, not a bad dream at all. Silly Girl!

So the prep for the dance is shear torture- she hates to shop- she prefers to wear soccer shorts and slippers and T-shirts- in fact, I meant to check before she left, but I am pretty positive that she has her soccer shorts on under her dress and I am guessing the heels came off as soon as she was out of my eye sight. Kelcey dolled up her hair and insisted on make-up! So, she was looking pretty cute- and Tyson is a very nice young man-and a soccer player as well- a little something in common!

Monday, September 6, 2010

A new job-- plus

Jayce has a new job. Turns out he has a talent for begging for money. The neighbors cute kids set up a little toy sale after school each day- and he is their door to door guy. He literally goes to every door in our circle and invites them to come to the toy sale EVERY DAY! Because its his job- one day he came home with a pocket full of money and when I asked what he sold this was his reply. "Well, Aunt Suzie gave me money for absolutely nothing, and her friend bought the magnet that I had in my pocket."
It pays to live by family I guess. Thanks Aunt Suzie and her friend! He wonders if Uncle Mike has more money than a dollar on him- I guess we will have to see. (Mike- if I were you, I wouldn't answer the door!)

And there is more funny news- He also believes he is a Leprechaun! The reason- he has funny shaped ears AND he loves gold- so it must be so! While driving to our recent family vacation- he spotted "A HERD OF GOLD!" To me it appeared to be a hillside of very dry brush- but that's because I am not a Leprechaun!

I have HOMECOMING news also- but I think I will wait for pictures!