Sunday, December 7, 2008

No surprises here!

We have almost completed Christmas shopping. One thing that Ross and I decided we would get for the family this year is a Wii. Nobody asked for it but we have heard good things about the fitness wii and the sports wii -so maybe it is something we can all enjoy.
Last night Jordan picked up Jayce to play with him for awhile. Ross and I used this chance to bring Christmas in and get it wrapped and stored. I didnt get to wrap the Wii- Ross beat me to it-
Jordan brings Jayce home. Baylie, Jordan Jayce and Ross and I are sitting in the front room and somehow the Wii comes up- Jordan has played a few games on it and enjoyed them. I turn to Ross and say- does our Wii have that? (WHY DO I DO THESE THINGS?)
He did not respond. But my sweet Baylie caught on quite quickly and now she knows- we are getting a Wii! Luckily Jayce has not a clue as to what a Wii is- so he can still be surprised!


The Olson Gang said...

Aaagghh!!! Don't you HATE that!! ONLY - it is usually the other way around at our house...Todd can't keep a secret if his life depended on it! DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!! And if he doesn't come right out and say it...he'll HINT like no other until DAHHH! It is figured out! And with the "SMARTNESS" of children these days- it doesn't take much HINTING!!! But on the other hand...if you are like me - when Christmas morning comes, you will be sooo excited! Because you have forgotten about it! That's how I work! I just forget! :) Good luck! But either way - I'm sure it will be a FABULOUS gift for the entire family! We're thinking about an Atari....I'm hoping to find a good deal on one :) (That's about how far behind in time we are!) PAC-MAN here we come!!!


When is girls night???? SOON????

Chad and Becky said...

Hey... I got PAC-MAN for the XBox! It's SWEET! Good slip sis... I am sure they will forget all about it...NOT!

GNO?!?!? I wanna go... I am a girl!

*Jordan and Whitney* said...

Seriously anytime you need us to take him we will. We love taking him he is alot of fun!