Monday, February 9, 2009


My next post is seriously a BIRTHDAY BOY post for Ross! But I had to sneek this one in because I cant stand to not tell everyone!
Our Jordan has been going through the testing process for Unified Fire Authority. Its a tough process and long- really long! After the written test which was taken by hundreds of people, he was #8 on the list- missed only three questions on the test! You can see its a tough competition. After Oral Interviews he has moved up to #2 on the list. The Fire Department will hire off of this list. Being #2 does not guarantee you anything- but it is definitely a great place to be! Jordan has worked on Wild Land and Paid Call for this dept and really loves it!
Good Job Jordan!!


The Olson Gang said...

WOOT-WOOT-TEE-HOOT-HOOT-DEE-WHOOP-WHOOP!!! Way to go JORDAN!!!! That is AWESOME!!! You should be so proud! And mom! You have EVERY right to be proud too!!!! YAHOO!!!!
This calls for a CELEBRATION!!!!
We'll keep you HIGH PRIORITY in our prayers that the rest goes through FANTABULOUS!!!

We are sooooo happy for you!!!

Becky Gray said...

Great job Jordan!!!! That is awesome news... We hope you are hired on soon :)

Pauline said...

Congrats Jordan that is awesome. And yes MOM has every right to be very proud.

joanne said...

Go Jordan, I remember the whole testing process, not so fun. Hey cute background I love it.