Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Today I was pulled over--- IN MY GARAGE!!

I had just picked up Baylie from School. We stopped at the mailbox as we came into our circle- its 2 houses down. This is where the officer began tracking me! From the mailbox to the house I managed an alarming speed of 15 MPH, all while steering the vehicle, pushing the garage door opener, and singing the Spongebob Squarepants theme song at the top of my lungs. Jayce and Kohen sang along! Is it any wonder that I didnt see his lights or hear his siren? He was on a motorcycle- the guy was hard to see! So, I pull into the garage and reach up to put the door down- and MR. 6 foot 11(give or take a few inches) 250 LB motorcycle cop steps through the door and yells "Dont you dare lower this door!" GEESH! Scared the kids and myself! He waltzes into the garage, Black Hooker boots, skin tight black pants tucked into the boots, leather jacket and black sun glasses, and a shiny new white helmet (which he NEVER removed!)
"Mam, Didnt you see me?" Thats an obvious "NO sir! I did not. "I honked my horn and flashed my lights at you." I said I did not see you. Where were you?
"I chased you from your mailbox!" Please know that this man was not a happy man. He was very serious! So that 15 MPH drive from my mailbox to the house must have felt like a high-speed chase to him- I am wondering at this point if he has called for back-up. The good news is that this high-speed chase lead him directly to my garage! Hows that for a catch! He had NO sense of humor! I get him all the "stuff" he needs while he informs me that I have a tail light out and my registration seems to be expired. I look at the plate and -YEP- its expired! I am a guilty woman. I tell him to please write the ticket and I will take the kids inside- since they are both crying and upset-- He walks to his motorcycle- which still has lights running- so I thought we had a deal! I take the kids inside- my cute neighbor comes over and we had a little chuckle at his expense in the kitchen and then I returned to the garage only to be scolded for leaving the "crime scene"= The crime being an expired registration and burnt out tail light- the scene being my garage. Are you serious Mr. Policeman? "Yes- Do you know that when you entered your home I have no way of knowing if you are going in to get your shotgun or another form of weapon- You need to understand that!" YES SIR!! He is now standing practically on top of me with his finger shaking in my face. YES SIR!! As he turns to leave he hits his head on the stroller that is hanging in the garage! Its a good thing that shiny white helmet was firmly in place- otherwise, who knows what could have happened!

posted by shell @ 2:53 PM 0 Comments


Sally F said...

Shelli, your life is just so dang hilarious! This cannot be real!! Who hides in your out-of-the-way culdesac? There's like, no traffic! Talk about a power trip that guy's on. So great that he hit his head.

*Jordan and Whitney* said...

Seriously this is the funniest story I have every heard. You have more wierd things happen to you than anyone else.

Josh & Leslie Warner said...

you need to write a book. call it "confessions of a soccer mom criminal" I hope it didn't scare the boys too bad.

Rach said...

Oh my gosh. I cannot believe it. Did he seriously hit his head on the stroller? That's like a moment right out of a movie.
Your blog is so cute. I have loved reading your crazy stories over the last two days!

Chad and Becky said...

OMG! I am sorry but that is FUNNY! I can't believe he was so upset and all! Maybe you looked dangerous with your posse gang in the car with you! LOL! Don't forget to get those things fixed or he may be forced to come back.

Pauline said...

I mean really he had nothing better to do than to hide out in your circle and wait for something to happen, sound pretty lazy to me are you for sure he is a real cop did you ask for Identification from him I am afaid I would have.

Des said...

Seriously that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of! What a jerk! I think that we have enough problems going on in Murray, especially considering the problems at the high school, that he could utilize his time better somewhere else.

Tiff Keetch said...

Wow! I don't think I would have been that good natured.. I can't stand it when cops have to prove they're tough.

I'm glad I found your blog. :)

Shauna said...

I'm laughing my head off! I say he deserved to hit with the stroller!