Friday, May 8, 2009

Todays Funny

Thursdays soccer game was in Ogden- and we WON!! YEAH! The funniest thing happened there! When our girls score, the parents have a large can full of coins that we shake and make quite a ruckus with- and then we pass it down the line and every parent adds a quarter. This in turn pays for the end of the season "party" for the soccer team- and they have had some great ones!
Jayce LOVES to take the coin can down the line of parents- being the social kid that he is- this gives him "chat-time" with every adult and child within his mothers comfort zone.
As he took the coin can down and visited, he looked at the final 3 parents and then turned around- not giving them a chance to put their coins in the can- I stopped him and asked him why he skipped them and he said
"Mom, those people look like they don't have any money!"
We all laughed!! One of the mothers is a school teacher and she was correcting papers- working for a living- and he did not want to take money from her- the other couple has a daughter that has been fighting asthma during the games and Jayce said they should go to the doctor with their money-- (They go to the doctor PLENTY-- ) Its so funny how children see things!


Megan said...

what a BIG heart jayce has. so many lessons to teach you eh?

Becky Gray said...

Jayce is very insightful!!! he is so cute... :) I'm so glad they won. kenzie was sad she couldn't be there.